Webinar Library
We've made the following special webinar recordings about COVID-19 resources available for your reference.
Table of Contents
Presented by NMA:
Using Electronic Signatures in the Multifamily Program
HUD PIH Notice 2020-08 CARES Act – HCV Program Administrative Fees
HUD PIH Notice 2020-07 CARES Act – Supplemental Guidance FFY 2020 Operating Fund Appropriations
Webinar on the COVID-19 HUD Waivers for PIH Programs
Presented in conjunction with Best Best & Krieger LLC and Guidehouse:
American Rescue Plan State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds: Key Implementation, Compliance and Reporting Guidelines
Leveraging CDBG-CV and Other Federal Funding Grant Opportunities for COVID-19 Response
Leveraging FEMA and Other Federal Funding Grant Opportunities for COVID-19 Response: Part One
Leveraging FEMA and Other Federal Funding Grant Opportunities for COVID-19 Response: Part Two
Using Electronic Signatures in the Multifamily program
Presented by Heather Sievers with NMA, June 8, 2020 | View slides
On May 26, 2020, HUD released the long-awaited notice H 20-4 to Multifamily owners and agents regarding electronic signatures, transmission, and storage. Join NMA to hear about this new notice and how it changes some of the previously published guidance (both pre- and post-COVID-19) and its effects on property managers and owners in the future.
HUD PIH Notice 2020-08 CARES Act – HCV Program Administrative Fees
Presented by Michael Petro with NMA, May 5, 2020 | View slides
- Understand HUD’s PIH Notice 2020-08 CARES Act – HCV Program Administrative Fees, issued April 28, 2020, and the programs it applies to
- Identify HUD’s funding methodology
- Determine eligible expenses for CARES Act funding
- Determine ineligible expenses for CARES Act funding
- Identify other sources of funds available to your PHA to offset coronavirus related expenses
- Understand CARES Act funding reporting requirements for your PHA
HUD PIH Notice 2020-07 CARES Act – Supplemental Guidance FFY 2020 Operating Fund Appropriations
Presented by Michael Petro with NMA, May 5, 2020 | View slides
- Overview of HUD's PIH Notice 2020-07 CARES Act – Supplemental Guidance FFY 2020 Operating Fund Appropriations, issued April 28, 2020, and the allocation and eligible uses of the supplemental Public Housing operating funding
- Review of the distribution of CARES Act Supplemental Appropriation, Administrative requirements and time Period to use Supplemental Funds
- Review the additional flexibility provided pursuant to the CARES Act to use previously appropriated capital and operating funds – use of waivers
- Eligible use of funds related to combatting Coronavirus
- Record retention
- Other sources of funds available to your PHA
- CARES Act Funding reporting requirements
COVID-19 HUD Waivers for PIH Programs
Presented by Samantha Sowards with NMA, April 2020 | View slides
HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) issued Notice PIH 2020-05 to waive and establish COVID-19-related alternative requirements for multiple statutory and regulatory requirements for the public housing program, the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program, and other Indian housing programs. For the public housing and HCV programs, use of the waivers is at the PHA’s discretion, although HUD strongly encourages PHAs to utilize any and all waivers and alternative requirements as necessary in order to keep the programs operational to the extent possible. This webinar will give an overview of the waivers issued as part of this notice.
Presented in Conjunction with Best Best & Krieger LLP and Guidehouse
The following webinars require free registration with BB&K to view. You'll be prompted to sign up when you click the links to each webinar below.
American Rescue Plan State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds: Key Implementation, Compliance and Reporting Guidelines
Presented by Ana Schwab (BB&K), Lowry Crook (BB&K), Nathan Paufve (NMA), and Steven Rosario (NMA), Sept. 14, 2021
Leveraging CDBG-CV and Other Federal Funding Grant Opportunities for COVID-19 Response
Presented by Mary Beth Coburn (BB&K) and Catherine Ures (NMA), June 3, 2020 | View slides
Leveraging FEMA and Other Federal Grant Funding Opportunities for COVID-19 Response: Part One
Presented by Mary Beth Coburn (BB&K) and Catherine Ures (NMA), April 7, 2020 | View slides
In this one-hour webinar, learn more about FEMA and the role they are playing in U.S. COVID-19 response. Additionally, we discuss what funding opportunities are available, how to submit a grant application, what will be considered an eligible cost, and the latest on Community Development Block Grant programs, including how funding will flow from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to agencies.
Topics include:
- CARES Act Update
- Applicant Eligibility
- Project Worksheets
- Documentation
- Eligible Costs
- 5% Administration Fee
- CDBG Update
- Conflicting Disasters
Leveraging FEMA and Other Federal Grant Funding Opportunities for COVID-19 Response: Part Two
Presented by Mary Beth Coburn (BB&K) and Catherine Ures (NMA), April 22, 2020 | View slides
Due to popular demand: a second webinar for municipalities, special districts, school districts and other government agencies on the nuts and bolts of FEMA Public Assistance and other federal grant opportunities for COVID-19 response. The content of this webinar includes a deeper dive into the grant process based on the questions received across all topics during the first webinar.